My Right Side Hurts Under My Ribs

 Camila Farah    

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Right sided middle back pain can be a result of inflammation in your rib cage area problems with the vertebrae in your thoracic spine spinal injuries or muscle or ligament strain.

Other conditions in surrounding areas can also cause pain in the ruq. Other symptoms include having one or more very tender spots and pain when taking deep breaths or twisting your body. Inflammation of the muscles of the rib cage known as costochondritis cause pain below the right rib cage. Heart attack pancreatitis peptic ulcer disease gastroesophageal reflux and gastritis.

Most of the time the pain will be accompanied by a sore throat fatigue and fever. Excessive coughing leads to extra stress on the rib cage and viral infections can cause a pain under right rib cage. You may feel fatigued fever weakness and abdominal pain under the right rib cage. A rib injury can cause pain under the right breast.

Symptoms of pain in the right side under ribs. Gallstones inflammation of the gallbladder and inflammation of the bile ducts can cause pain on the right side under the rib cage. However because there can be many reasons for right sided pain in the chest or upper abdomen doctors will ask about the. Typically the pain caused by these conditions is a dull burning type of pain.


Disease enlargement and or obstructions in these organs can be associated with symptoms such as fatigue nausea and vomiting fever changes in skin color changes in bowel movements and abdominal pain. Hepatitis can be caused by too much alcohol and viral infections. Knowing exactly what is causing aches and pains under your right ribs can be a challenge even for doctors. The liver and gallbladder are located in this area and can cause pain below the right ribs.

Pain under the left rib cage may be caused by damage to the spleen because the spleen is on the left side of the body but pain in that area is more frequently caused by the same conditions that cause pain in the lower chest and upper abdomen on both sides. Middle back and rib pain can also be caused by organs under your ribs like kidney stones gallbladder pain or lung disease. Liver problems are common causes of pain under the right rib cage. Lung conditions such as pneumonia can cause pain that spreads to the right side of the chest under the ribs.

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