My Cat Drools When I Pet Him

 Camila Farah    

Vet Explains Why Cat Always Drools When Happy Miami Herald

If your cat is drooling when you pet him it might just be because he s happy.

Drooling can be a larger sign of increased stress or illness. When it s a gastrointestinal disorder however there isn t usually much excess saliva mcgonigle says. Dependant on how long your cat has been stimulated or petted for the amount of drool will vary. If you suspect your cat has been exposed to something toxic bring your cat to the nearest open veterinarian right away.

Pets overload says cats can start to drool when their stomach is being rubbed for a long time. Some cats drool when they are afraid or when they are upset but it s more likely that they are drooling because they are relaxed. Both mcgonigle and reiter note that a cat may drool when nauseous as well as if they have gastrointestinal liver or kidney disease. Being deep in sleep can cause drool simply because their muscles are more relaxed than usual.

Some cats drool when they are at ease asleep and when they are enjoying human cuddles. My cat is a very good lap cat though when i pet him and he purrs he drools everywhere which makes it not so comfertable for him to be on my lap is there anything i can do to stop him and why does read more. If your cat drools when you pet them purrs and rubs their cheeks or head on your hands or feet they are saying that they enjoy being with you and receiving your coddling. In circumstances like this you don t need to worry about your cat s drool.


It is normal and somewhat common for cats to do some drooling when they are super content and relaxed especially when being petted explains lana. This includes poisonous plants caustic chemicals and toxic foods. If you ve realized that your cat always drools when they are being petted chances are they are only drooling because they are happy. Maybe there s a little bit around the gums or the cat is blowing bubbles.

Some topical toxins such as pesticides or flea and tick preventatives not meant for cats can cause drooling as well. Your cat can also drool when smelling or experimenting with catnip or malt past and sensing the smell of some of their favorite food.

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