Foods That Lower Ldl And Raise Hdl

 Camila Farah    

Foods To Lower Cholesterol Infographic Lower Cholesterol Naturally Cholesterol Lowering Foods Cholesterol Foods

There s no doubt that plants have great potential for lowering cholesterol naturally an astonishing number of herbs and plant foods either increase hdl good cholesterol or improve the ratio of ldl bad cholesterol to hdl cholesterol whether you are using cholesterol lowering drugs or a cholesterol lowering diet or both.

Foods that are fried including high fat meats and butter may raise your bad cholesterol. Five to 10 grams or more of soluble fiber a day decreases. Here are just a f. Foods that can help raise hdl levels include olive oil beans legumes soy whole grains fish avocado nuts seeds and all time favorite dark chocolates too.

Soluble fiber is also found in such foods as kidney beans brussels sprouts apples and pears. Oatmeal contains soluble fiber which reduces your low density lipoprotein ldl cholesterol the bad cholesterol. Foods that can increase the hdl and lower the ldl cholesterol include antioxidant rich foods avocado oatmeal fatty fish and niacin rich foods. Some studies indicate that monounsaturated fats found in avocados almonds olives peanuts hazelnuts pumpkin seeds are more efficient when it comes to lowering ldl cholesterol and may even raise hdl cholesterol.

Many people believe that cholesterol levels should be lowered but if your hdl cholesterol levels are too low it can actually raise your risk of heart problems. Foods that may contain trans fats include shortening and some margarine cake and biscuit mixes ramen noodles deep fried fast food frozen foods doughnuts baked goods candy crackers chips breakfast cereal energy bars and dips gravy mixes and toppings. Soluble fiber can reduce the absorption of cholesterol into your bloodstream. Any figure greater than 3 0 indicates that your ldl is too high and your hdl is too low.


Cholesterol is widely classified into good cholesterol and bad cholesterol. Fruits with a lot of fiber such as prunes apples and pears can lower your ldl level and raise your hdl level. Avoid trans fats which lower hdl and raise ldl. I learnt that eating a lot of nuts wallnut pistacia etc fish unskinned chicken could raise the hdl levels by proiding omega 3 fatty acids that help check the ldl levels.

Slice them up and stir them into cereal or oatmeal or throw them into your.

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